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Add / Edit Site API

The Add / Edit Sites API allows you to make changes to a Site (Tower location) using the site ID.

Account / API Key

You can locate your Account ID and API Key in the API section of your account settings. Your Account ID can also be found within the iframe of your Multi Coverage.

Tower Site ID

The Site ID can be obtained via API to get your entire list or you can open the site within your TowerCoverage.com account and the ID is located at the end of the URL. If you leave this value blank, it will create a New Site in your account.

Tower Height

This value is required and must be a whole number value in meters.

Latitude / Longitude

These fields are in decimal degrees. If you are in the northern hemisphere the Latitude value will be positive. If you are located in the southern hemisphere the Latitude value will be negative. Likewise, the Longitude value will be positive if you are in the eastern hemisphere and the value will be negative if you are in the western hemisphere.

Description / Group / Site Name

Description and group are not required. Site name is not required if you provide an ID for updating.

Pin style

This will default to a value of 1 but can be set to 1-4 for the different colors of pins.

These fields are not required unless you wish to change the current value.