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Order KML/Shape/FCC Files

From your TowerCoverage.com account, you are able to order files from your Multi-Coverage. You can order the files to assist you in completing your FCC Form 477, or simply to obtain Shape files from your Map to develop your website. You can also use these for marketing purposes.

To access your files, log into your TowerCoverage.com account and select Orders >> New Orders from the left side navigation bar. Here you can select from Fixed Broadband Deployment files, Shape files, Subscription Data .CSV or our Marketing Address List. Selecting one of these options will direct you to the order page, where you can then select which map you wish to receive the files from. Details have been listed below on the files you will receive upon completion of your order.


Fixed Broadband Deployment Data for FCC Form 477

Link Technologies, Inc. offers census blocks for FCC Form 477 pulled directly from your TowerCoverage.com Multi-Coverage Map.

We provide "Fixed Broadband Deployment" census block data as it pertains to YOUR COVERAGE AREA.

Note this contains block IDs only in 15 digit format as needed by the FCC.

What is included

  • A Polygon Shape file
  • A Simplified Polygon Shape file
  • A json.geo file
  • A list of all census blocks covered on the Multi-Map

KML/Shape File for your Multi-Coverage

You will be able to download 4 files once processing is complete.

  • A standard Google Earth .kml file.
  • A low resolution polygon shape file.
  • A standard resolution polygon shape file.
  • A json.geo file for the multi-map of your choice.

Note: this is a onetime purchase and any updates you make to your maps will require an additional order for the servers to generate new files.

There are discounts available for bulk orders, but they are only applicable if the files are purchased as a group for a single order. Contact TowerCoverage support to provide us with the names of the MultiMaps you needwant to process.include in your order.

Bulk ProcessShape File Rates

10% off 11-25 maps
20% off 26-50 maps
30% off 51-100 maps
40% off 101-200 maps

Form 477 Fixed Broadband Subscription Data .CSV

Also available from your TowerCoverage.com account, you can obtain the complete .CSV files ready for uploading to the FCC, for the Form 477 Subscription Data portion.

On the orders page you can download our template to fill in your customer data. Once complete you can upload it to TowerCoverage.com and click on *Process to Geocode*. Our server will then Geo-code your customer data and apply the Census Tract for each of your customers. You can then download your completed .CSV.

Marketing Address List

With the Marketing Address List feature you can obtain all the physical addresses listed within a specified multi coverage.

  • What is included:
    • Parcel Count.
    • Physical Address count.
    • Cost to purchase the list.
    • Estimated return on investment calculations.

NOTICE: The Address List that we return is calculated by using available parcel data as well as the polygons of your Coverage area. In some areas, physical addresses are not available so no address/parcel will be provided in these cases. Also be aware that address are provided if your Coverage can get a positive signal margin within the property line, this does not always mean on the home or other structure within the property.