Publicly Viewable Maps

A check box is provided on each of your multi maps to make it publicly viewable. By checking this, you authorize us to share your coverage area, and contact information in your my account details with the public.

Here we generate coverage maps, and place pins with contact information for your coverage for end users to find. We also promote this with Google and Bing to help you find new customers looking for internet service.
By zooming in, your coverage will appear and end users can use their address in the search field to find coverage in their area.

Once you zoom far enough, your high resolution coverage map will appear, the end user can click on the pin and get your contact information, such as your business name, city, state, phone number and contact e-mail address. This information is taken from your my account page, so be sure that is up to date. Each account in is allowed to have 3 Public maps. Each Public Map will add a pin on the large map at the location of the geographic center of the coverage area for that map.