FCC Filing Submission By TowerCoverage
FCC Submission Completion Requirements
Steps to obtain your Data
- Contact CostQuest and get your location Fabric Data.
- If you have a ZIP file, be sure there is no secondary file, this just adds to processing time, and is not needed.
- Please ensure that the FCC_Active file is in the root, not under and directories, of the ZIP file.
- Goto your FCC Dashboard and upload your ZIP file (fabric data).
- You will get a item on your dashboard that will tell you when your fabric data is ready.
- Update your FCC information under the FCC dashboard
- Here you will specify your providerID, DBA, Tech Code for each Multi-Map, Max Up/Down in Mbps, Low Latency, and what type of service. You can update all Multi-Maps with the same information or you can specify based on your Multi-Map, what data you wish to have.
- NOTE: It is NOT required that you do this though the Towercoverage.com system, however it will make your BDC data more accurate and the FCC will require you to fill it in otherwise.
- Once your Fabric Data is processed and complete, and you have updated your FCC data values, if you so choose to, you can then order your BDC data. Go to orders, new orders and select the BDC Availability Data.
- Here you can select multiple Multi-Maps. They'll need to be separated based on values in the Multi-Coverage list and you will need to separate RF and Fiber locations into different maps as they will not process properly if they are left together.
- Note: If you select multiple Multi-Maps, we will combine them all into one BDC order file, i.e. a completed file. If you wish to have multiple BDC order files you need to place multiple orders.
- You also have an option to select "DATA CERTIFICATION"
- This allows a TowerCoverage.com engineer to certify your BDC Order. You will be required to sign a General Release of Lability for this. This will be sent via DocuSign.
- Once the order is completed, usually under 8 hours.. It will show as completed and you can download your BDC Availability file.
- You can also select another new order and purchase billable time for us to file your data with the FCC.
- There are a number of things we require to complete a filing such as including login information to the FCC and all of the necessary data. If you have purchased this, then you will need to download and deliver that (via e-mail) to our support engineers so that we can properly process this.
What is Broadband Data Collection
The Broadband Data Collection filing happens biannually. For us to file for you there are a few things you'll need to accomplish.
Upload Fabric Data
This is where you will select the ZIP file that you have received from CostQuest. As stated in the instructions above, please REMOVE any files labeled Secondary, As this will slow down our processing time and is not needed. Please note, any uploads will REMOVE any existing fabric data. Below the upload is your current number of rows of data and the date it was last uploaded.Multi Coverage List
For each Multi-Coverage you will need to provide the following:- ProviderId (A unique 6-digit code generated by the FCC that identifies each service provider.)
- Find yours Here
- Tech Code
- Max Advertised Down
- Max Advertised Up
- Whether or not the Coverage is Low Latency (This is either True or False)
- The offered service is low latency, defined as having round-trip latency of less than or equal to 100 milliseconds based on the 95thpercentile of measurements.
- And the Business / Residential Designation which can be either Business, Residential, or Both
You'll be sectioning off your maps based on this data, so pay attention to which access points share the same values, as it is possible you may only need one Multi-Map for this filing. If you need more than one map due to variance in speed packages provided, differing technology, or some other aspect, Section them off accordingly and provide the necessary data for each.
Engineer List
This is where you'll fill out a profile for your certifying engineer. That profile will include the following values:- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Company Title
- Primary Address
- Secondary Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Company Name
- Company Primary Address
- Company Secondary Address
- Company City
- Company State
- Company Zip Code
- Company Phone
- Company Email Address
- Country
- Company Country
- Whether or not this person is a Professional Engineer
A Limited waiver applies to all mobile and fixed providers. It is available to apply for the first three filing cycles.
Conditions for waiver:
- Engineer must possess a bachelor's or postgraduate degree in electrical engineering, electronic technology, or another similar technical discipline, and at least seven years of relevant experience in broadband network design and/or performance, or
- Engineer must possess specialized training relevant to broadband network engineering and design, deployment, and/or performance, and at least ten years of relevant experience in broadband network engineering, design, and/or performance.
To utilize the waiver go to the explanation and comments section of the BDC submission and include the following language:
“The engineer certifying our submission meets the minimum qualifications outlined in the Declaratory Ruling and Limited Waiver adopted on July 8th 2022 in WC Docket No. 19-195.”
Need Someone to Certify for you? We can provide that. Certification is available upon Request.
Acquiring your Fabric Data
You need to sign up with CostQuest to get your fabric data. If you have not done that already you can request access here: How to Access the FCC's Broadband Serviceable Location FabricThe Next Step
Once You've finished with the FCC Dashboard you can go ahead and order your files.To Complete the filing you will need:
- The Fixed Broadband Availability Location List
- Your Subscription Data
- Your Company Profile along with Billable Time (Note: Your Profile should include your Cores Login and Password)
The Fixed Broadband Availability Location List
This product uses Broadband Fabric Data as well as your multi-Maps to create a properly formatted location list to submit for the filing. This is a comprehensive list based on your RF propagation data. Please make sure your coverage projections are accurate before proceeding with this order.Fixed Broadband Subscription
If you have a CRM that can export the complete .csv of your subscription data, you will need to forward the completed file over before the submission can be completed. If you do not, we can provide a spreadsheet for you to complete that contains what is needed ($250 to generate the files):- Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Advertised Upload
- Advertised Download
- Business (1=yes 0=no)
- Latitude (not required)
- Longitude (not required)