Change Log
Changes v3.22.2v3.22.3
Feature Update
- Updated the Credit Card Processing page so that any error or alert will appear in bold red text with a more visible alert box area to notify of any problems during the processing of a subscription payment.
- Updated the API Counter to reflect the use of the Edit/Create Site API
- Add Edit/Create Sites API and Other API counter to the Account >> API page.
Changes v3.22.2
Feature Update- The Fixed Broadband Deployment Data Order has been updated. The file previously labeled "CensusBlocks.txt" is now "DeploymentData.csv". The file will now download instantly rather than loading for a great length of time and it saves as a CSV file with the Block ID's in column 1 filled out so that you simply need to complete the remaining columns and upload the file to the FCC.
Changes v3.22.1
New Feature added- Devices can now be added to Coverages, Fiber Coverages and Multi Maps. You can right click to add many different types of devices as well as view the devices by group or view all of the at the same time.
Feature Update
- The Frequency Coordination feature has been updated to utilize the beam width filter setting.
- Added a border to each sector so that the overlap is noticable.
- Each sector is now clickable and will tell you what the Exact Center Frequency is.
Changes v3.21.1
- Added low priority processing for Multi Coverages so that accounts that have less than 15 Multi Coverages in queue will process ahead of a bulk Multi Map Processed map.
- Updated Coverages so that the Land Cover and Population Images can be turned on and off for faster processing if the map data images are not needed.
- Updated the ASR Data so that all tier accounts have access to the Structure information as well as the link to the FCC Database containing all the data about the location.
Changes v3.20.3
- Bug fix that prevents editting Coverages if the account Coverage count is at maximum (i.e. 50/50).
- Added account prevention of going over the allowed tier Coverages when using the Coverage Array feature.
Changes v3.20.2
- removed counting animations from Stats page to speed up loading.
- Updated Bulk Coverage update to show loading gif after accepting the use of API calls.
- Added saving notification when creating a Best Tower submission.
- Updated the LandCover Type dropdown list to show the Standard option available even if the current account does not have any other Land Cover Types available.
- Best Tower results now show in the recent changes.
- Best Tower results now open as full screen rather than in a smaller window inside the EUS Page
- Best Tower results can be opened from teh Stats page Recent Changes window.
- Accounts on the old subscription payment process now have an unsubscribe button available that will direct them to PayPal so the recurring payment can be removed.
Changes v3.20.1
- Drastically increased the resolution that Multi Maps are processed at for improved population estimates and Marketing Address List accuracy.
- Multi Maps and Coverages no longer need to clear browser cache after updating to see the new changes. We have added image versioning to prevent the old image from displaying in your browser.
- Applied Image versioning to the sites server.
- Updated the Coverage Array feature so that it will no longer allow your account to go over the allowed limit.
- Added limit detection to notify the admin of the account if the number of Coverages exceeds the allowed number.
- Fixed the Bulk Coverage Update so that Land Cover Types are applied accordingly. The Email Support feature in the account menu will now add the email to a queue and attempt to send your email to our support staff until it successfully goes through.
Changes v3.19.1
*Account- The Company profile now has a Google API Key input box. The maps on has been updated and Tier 4 and up now have the auto complete by default and Free accounts through Tier 3 can provide their own key to enable the auto complete and street view features of the map.
- The company Latitude and Longitude are now updated on creation of a new account.
*Multi Maps / Coverages
- The autocomplete and street view is now disabled by default for Free accounts through Tier 3. It can be enabled by adding a Google Maps API key to the company profile.
*Fiber Coverages
- The bug has been corrected that was preventing the Update button from being clicked when editing the map pin locations.
Changes v3.18.1
*Account- The ability to sign-up,register and upgrade with a credit card is now available.
- If you are currently on the newer PayPal Billing agreement process, you can simply upgrade your account.
- If your account is on the older process and states to remove the subscription from your PayPal Account, you will need to do so before the credit card process will become available.
- The MultiMap style sheets have been updated so that when opening a map on an iPad, it will display the mobile view.
- The search field has been updated so that it will accept more vague search criteria as well as it will now provide suggestion of what you are possible looking for based on the area you are currently viewing.
- The search will now also location business location if the business name is know to Google Maps.
*Best Tower Feature
- The feature has been updated to improve the speed at which the maps process.
- The iframe form has been updated so that the upper fields are clickable on apple devices.
Changes v3.17.2
*Maps- Updated the Address Search bar in Coverages and Multi Coverages to allow postal code searches, select the type of search, restrict the search to the visible map area and include address suggestions as you type.
Changes v3.17.1
*Performance- Updated the site to improve load times and correct an error that was causing the site to timeout at times.
- Updated the styles so that high resolution screen sizes can use the page in half a screen without compromising the usability.
- Added a new button "Order Files" so that admin users can order any deliverable file from the Multi Map without having to locate the correct map in a drop down list after getting to the orders page.
- After placing a pin on the map by searching and Address/GPS or by clicking on the map, you can now double click the pin to perform a Path Analysis without having to select any addition options.
- After placing a pin on the map by searching and Address/GPS or by clicking on the map, you can now double click the pin to perform a Path Analysis without having to select any addition options.
- Added an addition field for setting the Channel width of the Coverage.
- Added an addition field for marking a Coverage as an LTE Coverage. Added a dynamic calculation that shows what the RSRP value would be using the channel width and the Rx Threshold.
- The Path Analysis Signal will display in RSRP if the Coverage is an LTE Coverage.
- Added a GETChannelWidth API to retrieve all currently available channel widths to be used in the CoverageAPI.
- Updated the Coverage API so that the Channel Width and LTE value can be set but are not required and will default to a value of 20Mhz and no accordingly.
Changes v3.16.1
*EUS Iframe- The Iframe version of the End User Submission system has been updated so that the form fits better into a parent container of your website. It will take on the overall font style of your page as well as the background has been made transparent so that you can set the background color to fit the color scheme of your site.
Using inline style on the iframe other than the styles included when copying the current iframe code from your Multi Map could results is undesirable results. @@
- The Account tab Contact us is now clickable. It will open a window that will provide the phone number as well as a Verification Code to expedite getting assistance when calling support. There has also been a text area added for you to type a message to Support Team.
*Address List Orders
- The address list feature can now be used on a Multi Map that only contains Fiber Coverages.
Changes v3.16
New Feature
*Orders- In the New Orders window, there is now a product type for ordering the physical address list from your Coverage area. This order allows you to select an existing Multi Coverage and process the number of addresses prior to ordering the list. The cost is determined by how many addresses are available. Once payment is completed, the file is created that contains all available parcel data from the Coverage area.
Feature Updates
*The Home screen has been redesigned so that the lower pages are more apparent as well as easier to access via the new selection buttons at the bottom of the screen.*Multi Map
- Add some new styles and font resizing to allow for changing of screen types.
- the Master Account is now visible in the User menu and now has the permissions required to remove other admin users from the account.
- The manage subscription page will now open in a new window rather than inside a box of the current screen.
- The Terms and Policy window will now automatically display if there is any modification to it so that the changes can be agreed upon.
*EUS Data
- The EUS Settings window will now refresh after it is update rather than opening a new window with no styles.
Changes v3.15.2
Feature Updates
*New Support number added to the Accounts Tab.*MultiMap
- The Path Analysis has been updated so that you can either use the Client antenna height of each Coverage for the results, or you can specify a custom installation height.
- New Multi Maps can no longer be created without a Name and at least 1 Coverage include.
- Updated fonts to resize on screen resize.
- The path analysis now allows for custom antenna height rather than using the settings of the coverage.
- Antenna Height and Client Antenna height Meter to Feet converter updated to prevent errors and improve ease of use on Editing and creating a new Coverage.
- Save Path Analysis will use the specified custom antenna height when saving a Link to your account.
*Sites and Links
- Default Height Meter to Feet converter updated to prevent errors and improve ease of use.
Changes v3.15.1
Feature Updates
*General- Updated all List windows to open in full screen.
- Drastically improved load times of all list windows.
- View All button added to Coverages and Sites List.
- Lists will initially load 200 results and the view all button will reload with all results included.
- Recent Changes on the Stats Page will now consider Links being updated as a recent change.
- Redesign of New buttons for quicker response times.
- Bulk Coverage reprocess updated so that resolution and reliability can be updated.
- Max distance can now be set to 1 km. Required Reliability slider moves in 5% increments.
*Multi Map
- Bulk Map Delete Added.
- Added Search bar to Included Coverages in the Edit Coverages window.
- Search by name added to Multi Map List.
- Added row highlighters to the Coverage Update window so that pending changes are view able.
- Added small screen resolution styles added.
- Added ability to sort all columns in the Coverage Update window.
- Added small screen resolution styles.
*Sites List
- Added "Edit Site" button.
- All sites can be edited from the list view automatically without redirecting back to the Stats window.
- Added "Map View" button.
- The map view will display all of you Tower location on a Google Map and allow you to click on a pin and see the current settings or go to the edit page of the Tower Site.
Changes v3.15
New Feature
*Plot 360 Coverages- On the Coverage creation page, there is a new option in the lower right for Plot Coverage Array. This feature allows you to define the number of sectors, the Advertised sector Beam Width and if you wish to have them evenly spaced apart or side by side.
- Example: If you select 90° sectors, set the Number of Coverages to 2, the Transmitter Settings Azimuth is at 0, and turn Evenly Spaced on, you will have 2 90° Coverages. One will be named "Your Coverage Name 0 Degree" and the other will be "Your Coverage Name 180 Degree".
- (Note: These settings are used to determine spacing and have no effect on individual Coverage propagation or EUS/Path Analysis results)
Feature Updates
*Coverage Duplicate New Azimuth- You can now set the azimuth of the new Coverage before processing to avoid having to process twice.
- Plot to 360 on Duplicate
- Also when duplicating, you can use the current Coverage to complete a 360 array of Coverages. This will use the current settings and create as many Coverages as needed to complete the full circle of propagation around the Site.
- Manage Subscription
- The Manage Subscription page has been updated to prevent more than one instance from being displayed if you click unavailable feature multiple times.
*Multi Map Updates
- You no longer have to reprocess your Multi map to change the settings. Only adding and removing Coverages requires the map to be reprocessed. All other settings update the moment you change them with no further action required.
- The option windows and settings have been completely resigned for ease of use.
- Load times have been drastically improved.
Changes v3.14.1 1/17/2018
- Added Map Type Selector, Address Search, Custom Zoom buttons to Fiber.Cable Coverages.
- Added View EUS Data/ASR Data ability to Fiber/Cable Coverages.
- Set default values on Fiber/Cable Coverages.
- Correct the issue with the EUS data Advanced Search not returning values.
- Set Default Zoom Level to a more reasonable value when creating a new Multi Map.
- Updated the Multi Map Duplicate feature to update correctly when no Fiber/Cable Coverages are included.
- Updated EUS Data and Coverages Link Path messages to be more descriptive when the point does not return any link results.
- Added a "Notes" section to Fiber/Cable Coverages.
- New Fiber/Cable Coverages will now start with the map at the location in you Company Profile. (Note: To activate this feature you will need to open the Company Profile and click "Update". Upon doing so, if your business address can be geocode, The 'New Sites' and 'New Link' maps will start at your business location by default.*)
Changes v3.14 1/15/2018
- Fiber Coverages have been added as a Coverage Type.
- You can now add up to 25 Point or a 70 Km Multi-Point Line to a dynamic map as Coverage. You can also specify the distance, Strand Count, Transport Type,Mode and Color in which you would like to display a polygon away from the Multi-Point line.
- Fiber/Cable Coverage Color selection will default when Added to Multi Coverages.
- Upon creating the Fiber/Cable Coverage, you will be displayed the completed Polygon of your Fiber/Cable Coverage.
- Editing the Fiber/Cable Coverages allows you to change all the values.
- You may also select between editing the path your Fiber/Cable Coverage takes or Adding Points to the Path. (NOTE: only one of these options can be changed at a time but will update and reload immediately after you click "UPDATE", allowing you to also Update the other as well.)
- Added Fiber Options to Layouts, located just under the current Coverages Selection
- When deleting Multi Coverages, the notification will now let you know which Multi Coverages it is included in so that you can locate it easier.
- Bulk deleting Fiber Coverages will automatically remove them from any Multi Coverage they are included in .
- All features now appear to all accounts but give notice if it is not available to the currently subscribed tier.
- Added 'Set Map Center' to Multi Coverages.
- This feature allows you to select a point on the map by clicking to drop a pin. The map will automatically update and open with the pin location as the center until changed.
- Account Profile based Map centering.
- To activate this feature you will need to open the Company Profile and click "Update". Upon doing so, if your business address can be geocode, The 'New Sites' and 'New Link' maps will start at your business location by default.
- Correct the 'EUS API Settings' page to display correctly without displaying a generic page.
- The Manage Subscription page will now open inside any window you are current viewing with the ability to close it without loosing your place on your current task.
- Task but widget has been relocated to the top right of the dashboard and replaced with the FCC Form 477 countdown timer. this Clock will reset after the due date and start counting down to the next due date.
- EUS Data as well as the Emails that you receive will now display if the given location is located in a Fiber/Cable Polygon.
- Multi Map Path Analysis will now display if the given location is located in a Fiber/Cable Polygon.
- Added Bulk Delete Feature to the Multi Map List.
- Correct the issue with Antenna Patterns that are uploaded displaying as omni directions antennas.
Changes v3.13.1 10/06/2017
- All maps have been updated to not require you to hold Ctrl when attempting to zoom in and out.
- Corrected resizing issues with the widgets and buttons on the Stats page.
Changes v3.13 10/06/2017
You will possibly need to clear you cache and cookies due to many style changes in this update- Updated Payment Details to show more complete invoice.
- Removed the Ctrl requirement from MultiMaps when trying to zoom in and out.
- Removed New Feed from the Stats window.
- Removed the large Clock from the stats Page and put buttons for Feature Requests, News and the Change Log in the tile.
- Increased size of the Recent Changes tile.
- Added Non-Updated EUS Data tile to the Stats page.
- You can now add Custom Pins to your account. This can be located in Account >> EUS Settings.
- Select from one of the new icons
- Give it any name you wish to use.
- It will then become available to assign to EUS data when Updating an entry.
Changes v3.12 8/31/2017
- Corrected text Contrast on the OFF/CHANGE button of the bulk Coverage reprocess page.
- From an existing Coverages, there is now a Radio icon on the top of the edit panel. By clicking this, you can create a New Radio System using the values of the current Coverage.
- Input/Read-Only Accounts can now update their own Password, Start Page and Name.
- All GET API's will now return 'Last Updated' in the response XML.
- All maps have now been set to open in Hybrid view rather than Road map view.
- Updated the registration page to a more user friendly Captcha.
- All accounts can now create multiple Land Cover versions. Each Coverage or Link can use different Land Cover settings.
- Bug reports are now an available Type in the Feature Requests page.
- Updated the Multi Map and Coverage Map so that the Address search toolbar does not hide when the Edit panel is hidden.
Changes v3.11.1 8/10/2017
Bug Fixes
- Corrected Visual error on Manage Subscription page where if subscribed you could not see the list of features by tier table.
- Correct the tutorial window. It now properly calls the correct domain.
- Added Approval pending to the Feature Request page. If you submit a request, it will display Pending Approval until Verified by an Admin of
- Updated the "I want This!" column. When a feature is completed the plus button will be removed and a check mark displaying completed will appear.
- Corrected Edit Site page not displaying the pin if the site was created prior to v3 release.
- Improved the 'Brought to by Link Technologies Inc' link on the Stats page.
- Corrected intermittent issue with Tutorial window not being movable on some pages.
- Corrected visual errors on Edit Coverages/MultiCoverage/Links pages, Delete and Duplicate buttons displaying incorrectly.
- Updated the New links page to recenter the Map when changing the Site locations.
Changes v3.11
New Features
- When creating a new link, you can now see a map view that auto detects your location to set the map center.
- When you select the 2 Site location in a New Link, it will show you pins on the map the location of the 2 sites and draw a line between them.
- If you have greater than 500 Sites, Coverages, Links or Multi Maps, it will load only the 500 most recently updated and display a button at the bottom of the window if you would like to display them all.
- Improved usability and flow of the Home page "Find A Provider* feature.
- Added a button in the top right of the Stats page that take you to a page to request new features or even Let us know if you like a feature that someone else already suggested.
Updates and Bug Fixes
- When duplicating Multi Coverages and Coverages, the new map being processed will now appear in the Recent Changes Widget on your Stats page.
- Correct issue with not being able to see or Print all Payments if using the new billing system.
- Add ed scroll ability to KML Overlays window.
- Added Scroll to +ADD window in Multi Coverages.
- Corrected the Pins when viewing Link Groups to allow them to be clicked to view the Link Analysis rather than only being able to click the small line between the points.
- Corrected the view of all side bar lists to display correctly.
- The height in the left side table will now update if you enter the Antenna Height for AP or the Client Average in feet.
- Terms of use page can now be clearly viewed.
- Find a Provider display corrected to not display the tool bar from the Dashboard.
- Find a Provider will now open in a new page rather than in a lightbox.
- Corrected the Coverage List not loading properly after a Path Analysis that contains no results.
- On EUS Data Details, the pin type will automatically save when you change it. Clicking Update no longer needed.
- Added Labels to Captcha Field.
- When attempting to Delete a Site, you will be notified if the Site is being used by a Coverage or Link.
- Corrected API Template Generator to copy code correctly and automatically apply your account ID and Key to the code.
- Corrected the Template generator to work properly in FireFox.
- Find a provider Captcha changed to reCaptcha.