What Data Do We Use?
As of 5/28/2020, TowerCoverage has updated ourthe 1/3 ARC Data set with a new version of Lidar Data.
This is 1 meter Lidar Data converted to 10 Meter Data.
Notice: This data is only available in areas the USGS and the state of Kentucky made publicly available.

Kentucky Updated Lidar

Old Data

New Data
As of 2/24/2020, USGS Landcover for the lower 48 has been updated to 2016 data

USGS Updated data

Elevation data sources
Resolution of Elevation Data
Source Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data products 1 arcsecond
Source for Alaska: USGS Alasaka NED 2 at Seamless data distribution system
Source for Northern Canada and void filling: Natural Resources Canada CDED at Geobase
Source for Northern Canada and void filling: Natural Resources Canada CANVEC at Geobase
Source for Northern Canada and void filling: ASTER
Source of SRTM Void filled for Eurasia: Viewfinder Panoramas
Land cover data sources
Landcover Resolution
Source Canada: Natural Resources Canada Circa 2000 at Geobase
Source Europe: Corine landcover at European Environment Agency
Source World: Globcover at European Environment Agency