Upload Antenna Pattern
Add New Antenna Pattern
In TowerCoverage.com, we have a list of several pre-loaded antenna pattern files you can select from. All pattern files that are in the drop down list have been provided by the manufacturer of the given antenna to maintain accuracy and have not been modified by our developers. If you do not see the pattern you wish to use in the list you have the ability to add your own antenna pattern files to match your equipment. We suggest that you obtain these directly from the manufacturer to ensure that you do not get inaccuracies in you coverages.
This feature can be found by clicking on Antenna Patterns, under the settings section of the left side navigation bar.

When the files are uploaded, the system will verify that it is a valid file. The file used should be a Radio Mobile Compatible .ant file. We have also added a downloadable file that will allow you to ensure the files are in the correct format or forward to the manufacturer to create the file for you.
TowerCoverage.com system will check the files for the follow criteria to ensure the file is a valid file.:
- The file should contain 720 rows of data.
- Line 1 and line 451 should match. This is the gain at azimuth degree 0 and elevation angle of 0.
- Line 181 and Line 631 should match. This is the gain at azimuth degree of 180 and the elevation angle of -180.
- Beamwidth Filter must be valid. (numerical value only). See the beamwidth section for more information.